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if your child is missing...

  • Look for the child immediately.

  • Search the house, neighborhood, play areas, and the last place the child was known to be.

  • Call child's friends.

If you don't find your child during your search...


Have the following information available for police:

  • Recent photo and older photo to show age progression.

  • Description of clothing when last seen

  • Place and time where child was last seen

  • Physical features (walks with a limp)

  • Other identifiers such as glasses, hearing aid, etc.

  • Child's age

  • Name of school

  • Fingerprints (if available)

  • Name of those (excluding parents) child might go to for help

  • Friends and relatives and their addresses

  • Any identification child has with him/her

  • Hiding places and play areas

  • List of medications

  • Possessions child has with him/her (purse, wallet, etc.)

  • Name of doctor, dentist, optometrist

  • Sizes of clothing and shoes

  • List of child's organizations

  • Any special interests (computers, video games, shopping, hanging out)

  • Past events that had a big impact on child (fishing trip, hunting trip, etc.)

  • Future events that child is looking forward to attending

  • Know the name of the officer making report and time report was made.

  • After police report is made, call the officer's supervisor to be sure action is taken immediately.

  • Request immediate placement of child into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) missing person's file.

  • Continue your own search.

  • Publicize that your child is missing by contacting the mass media, post flyers, etc.

  • Know your neighborhood hazards (wells, abandoned shacks, trash dumps).

  • Know child's strengths, weaknesses and fears.

  • Contact Commonwealth Attorney.

  • Call for help from friends and neighbors.

  • Contact...

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